How To Build a Clean Skin Care Routine That Actually Works

How To Build a Clean Skin Care Routine That Actually Works

Take a minute to think about your skin as if it were your stomach. Imagine eating a diet full of processed foods containing preservatives, stabilizers, artificial sweeteners, and filler ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup.

Not only would you miss out on all the nutrients and antioxidants needed to maintain optimal health, but you would damage your gut by killing the positive bacteria that help absorb nutrients when you do decide to eat a vegetable. “It’s the same thing on the skin,” says holistic aesthetician Kristina Holey.

“If you’re using conventional beauty products with a ton of preservatives, fragrances, and stabilizers, you’re going to damage the skin’s microflora, which will impair your skin function and have the worst impact for skin quality and appearance.”

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