Walk into any beauty store on the hunt for a brand new eye cream and you’ll walk into a dizzying array of options. Between brands, ingredients, purported benefits — and potential drawbacks like cost — it can be a lot to consider. It might seem like the eye creams marked a few hundred dollars are a sure bet, but […]
The Problem with Beauty Packaging
Consider an average deodorant tube. Packaged in a hard plastic case, your deodorant contains lots of tiny plastic components for twist-ability that are not recyclable. This means that out of the all deodorants sold in the U.S. last year, most of them were tossed into the trash, with many of them ending up in the […]
Luminous Skin at Any Age
Genetic Aging: We’re all familiar with the classic signs of getting older-fine lines and deep wrinkles. Why does it happen? In addition to skin becoming thinner as we age, the breakdown of collagen affects the ability of the skin to repair itself as well at its very cellular structure. And because collagen is what helps keep […]
Benefits of Collagen: More than Skin Deep
The word “collagen” is derived from the Greek “kolla,” meaning glue. It is the most abundant protein in our body forming the musculoskeletal system and all connective tissue. Experts often refer to it as the fountain of youth. As we age, our body’s ability to make collagen begins to slow down. Consequently, our skin, hair, tendons, […]
Naturally Remove Age Spots With Pharmaceutical Grade Shea Butter
If you want to get rid of age spots remove wrinkles, reduce stretch marks, scars and blemishes, there is one ingredient that you must look for. It is called Shea butter. You may think “no”. I’ve used that in the past and it hasn’t worked. There’s a reason why most creams do not work like […]
Who Uses Biafine Cream Emulsion and Why?
Biafine cream is used by a vast percent of French people and it’s increasing in popularity around the globe for its unique properties. Biafine’s manufacturers state it has non-toxic ingredients and thus it is okay for use by people of all ages. It is in a cream emulsion form, and its manufacturers say it can […]
Where Does Botox Come From?
Botox is a purified protein complex produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum type A, which contains the same toxin that causes food poisoning. The Botox treatment is a non-surgical, physician-administered treatment that can temporarily reduce moderate to severe frown lines between the brows. During treatment, very low doses of Botox Cosmetic are administered via a […]
Naturally Remove Age Spots With Pharmaceutical Grade Shea Butter
If you want to get rid of age spots remove wrinkles, reduce stretch marks, scars and blemishes, there is one ingredient that you must look for. It is called Shea butter. You may think “no”. I’ve used that in the past and it hasn’t worked. There’s a reason why most creams do not work like […]
Crows Feet – Some Treatments and the Red Skin Side Effect
Age, UV rays, alcohol, smoking, less sleep, stress, and some particular facial expressions like squinting etc. are some of the main reasons for which aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines and crows feet appears over our face. Crows face is also known as eye wrinkles which start to grow from the two corners of our […]