Author: Aisha


How To Pack Dress Shirt

When you’re packing for travel – whether that’s a weeklong vacation, a weekend getaway, or a quick overnighter – it’s important to make the most of the space you have in your suitcase, carry on, or duffle bag. And in addition to optimizing space, you also want to do your best to keep your clothing – especially those […]


Anti-Aging Workout for Your Face

Pilates is a great workout for toning and tightening—but could it have the same effect on your face? That’s the idea behind “facialates,” which is like Pilates, but (you guessed it) for your face. Designed by New York City’s Haven Spa, the 60-minute facial promises anti-aging benefits thanks to a massage technique meant to activate muscles […]


Peach Cobbler Hair

People tend to change with the seasons, from our clothes to our beauty products to our favorite outdoor activities. So why not change your hair color as the snow melts and the sun starts to shine? A sure hit we’re eyeing for spring? Warm peach cobbler hair—a radiant look that beams like sunlight, created by colorist […]

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